Tunnel of heating and cooling

Tunnel of heating and cooling, made of stainless steel AISI 304, to bring to room temperature the products previously packaged, cold or hot.

tunnel of eating and cooling

Comac produces heating and cooling tunnels, necessary to bring to room temperature the products previously packaged, cold or hot.

Both units are made of stainless steel AISI 304; the tanks, that feed the upper showers, are anchored inside the tunnels and outside are positioned all the control devices for both the mechanical cycle and the temperature are positioned outside.

Inside the machine, the bottles and the cans lie on a plastic chain and, thanks to an external gear motor, go forward in the various sections encountering the upper showers, at different temperatures, until reaching the exit. The feed rate of the bottles and cans can be set from an operating panel that allows to vary the duration of the cycle.

Such a cycle has been designed to ensure a saving of cooling water and it has been set by appropriate instrumentation that keeps constant the water temperature in the tanks.

All tanks are equipped with doors on one side to allow the cleaning and periodic maintenance of the unit and with double panel filters, extractable from the pumps side.

The doors, made of tempered glass, installed on the entry and exit sides of the machine, allow the manual removal of any containers remaining on the bearing surface at the end of work.

The stainless steel electrical panel is provided with an operator panel that allows to verify and set all the control parameters of the machine and an electronic chart recorder that stores the values of all the variables that control all the heating or cooling steps.

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