Saturation unit
Saturation units carries out all the operations of deaeration and the subsequent carbonation to obtain carbonated product, up to 7/8 g/L.

- Strong stainless steel frame.
- Pump feeding the static mixer/carbonator tank controlled by frequency converter and provided with probe to guarantee a constant product inlet pressure.
- Product/CO2 static mixer.
- CO2 pressure reducer.
- Aisi304 stainless steel carbonated product storage tank, polished internally and provided with safety valve calibrated according to the tank test pressure and min-max level probe.
- Aisi304 stainless steel piping complete with the necessary fittings.
- Pre-arrangement for the tank sanitation (CIP).
- Signal light or acoustic signal for lack of CO2.
- Modulating valve and non-return valve on the CO2 inlet pipe.
- Stainless steel electric control panel including HMI touch screen operator panel and Siemens PLC logic controller and all the necessary components for correct machine operation.
- Water
- Cider
- Sparkling and still wine