Dear Santa…

In a few days is Christmas again and this year, after a long time, we felt a strong desire to write you a short letter of simple requests.


Dear Santa,

in a few days is Christmas again and this year, after a long time, we felt a strong desire to write you a short letter of simple requests.

 Actually they are a bit special requires that affect us all and that involved us in their implementation …. we do not leave any task you!

The last years, as you know, have been difficult for the long moments of uncertainty we had, but with so much courage and determination we have learned that the crisis is a powerful opportunity for improvement and growth.

This is our philosophy, our battle cry : we have never given up and we have always supported our employees, being at their side.

We understood that the path we took is the right one and that the strategy for the future passes through two watchwords : corporate restructuring and strong internationalization.

We run a small Company, but extremely flexible, able to provide high performance by combining commercial and technical qualities: this has made our Company a highly reliable partner in the international beverage world that, once again, have chosen to entrust our production lines, bottling and keg.

For these reasons , dear Santa , we are absolutely grateful to you, but we want that all the seeds we have planted bear fruits in the new year that is about to begin.

We would like to find in your big bag all the results for which we have fought and are still fighting: our international recognition, the result of research, study and innovation.

We would like that all the projects we started – TPS , HR , Process Flow – were, after their first implementation , rendered inseparable parts of our daily actions in order to improve the quality of the work and life of everyone, especially of our employees , who are our first customers , and without whom we could not achieve any goal.

For 2014 we have decided to participate in an exciting new charity initiative supporting an important project for the kids of the Department of Child Neuropsychiatry, Hospital Pope John XXlll of Bergamo.

The “Atelier of Error “, carried out and led by Luca Santiago Mora, is one of the ateliers of expressive activities aimed at children and teenagers, hospitalized in the Department of Child Neuropsychiatry.

The children and teenagers who attend the “Atelier of Error” can express their particularity, creativity, perhaps the uniqueness acting as artists, being creative in overcoming the limits and barriers of everyday life. The works carried out by children, whose godparents are internationally renowned artists, will be on display, along with some installations of the artists themselves , at the “Natural History Museum “ located in the Città Alta , Bergamo, from January 12, 2014.

Under the Christmas tree, as you know , this year too, there will be the Christmas stars of the “Paolo Belli Association”, which will be given to all our employees during the “Christmas greeting night” that will begin this evening at 18.00 in the hall of COMAC, Street May 1st at number 14.

A toast will do to you because we are confident that in your big bag our gifts are already “bottled “.

Merry Christmas!

Giorgio, Giuseppe, Marco e Fabio